This course examines the philosophy of Robert K. Greenleaf, the significance of servant leadership, focuses on the everyday principles of Servant Leadership and suggests strategies by which to apply these principles.
Tuition $465.00 (All required course texts at registrants expense)
I have completed the Foundations training and found it inspiring. I didn’t realize how broad the impact of the Servant Leadership teachings are. As a professional, the Foundations training has supported my understanding of how to communicate with different personalities and has motivated me to engage in self-reflection to model what I have learned. In communication with others I practice “moments of silence” to allow others to share their thoughts and ideas, to feel heard. I also am more aware of empathy and the role of trust to facilitate organizational change. The Greenleaf Academy and its team has modelled the practices covered in the training and has inspired me to further my Servant Leadership journey. – Amanda Van Haaften, Past Foundations Participant
All students are eligible to receive a certificate upon course completion, provided the following criteria is met:
1. Larry Spears, The Power of Servant-Leadership
2. The Servant as Leader, Robert K. Greenleaf
3. The Institution as Servant, Robert K. Greenleaf
4. Kent M. Keith, The Case for Servant Leadership (Greenleaf Center, 2008)
Please email Jessica Piacentino with any Academy questions (jpiacentino@greenleaf.org).
Group sessions will occur on the following dates from 6:00 to 7:30 pm ET (Time Zone Converter): 03/25, 04/08, 04/22, and 05/06